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0:00 The first part of this module I’ve titled the game of reality and illusions. And why did we do that? Well, when you’re going into a lot of these meetings, especially if it’s somebody you don’t know, remember that you can be whoever you want. 0:17 And that’s important for a lot of different reasons because when you have the opportunities, you need to take advantage. Mostly in the way that we set this up, you’re so prepared already.

0:29 You know exactly what you want to do, exactly what you want to accomplish, you know what you’re trying to do here. 0:35 You’ve got to come with it during these negotiations. And by doing so, you present yourself in a way that gives you an elevated power position, moving into some of these things that people just weren’t ready for. 0:52 If you go in unsure of yourself, or you go in lackluster, or you’re not put together when you show up, properly caffeinated and in my, you know, example of myself, you know that you’re not going to perform at your best.

1:07 So a good night’s sleep, you know, good notes, preparation, maybe some practice, it’ll take you a long way. But you get to be whoever you want to be. 1:17 And it’s an act as if strategy, yes. But if you’ve prepared the way that we’ve told you to prepare, you’re that guy, that girl, you know, you’re moving forward, you’re doing what it takes. 1:30 So you need to be aware of how you present yourself when you walk through the door. Most people make an almost instantaneous decision.

1:41 You need about what’s going on. Now, let me give you some examples and scenarios of some things that, you know, you can be whoever you want to be. If you know this person, and, you know, you are going in and you’re going to talk about a vacation with your spouse or your family. 2:01 Or, let’s say you’re going to walk into your parents and you need some extra money to do something nice for, for somebody.

2:08 You need a loan. If you are a flip-flops and cut-off shorts and t-shirt kind of guy, and you show up to this negotiation in a suit, are you going to look good? 2:20 Yeah, but it’s, it’s going to be expensive. You need to be true to yourself, but also be aware of the situation on the person on the other side. 2:28 So, while you can be whoever you want to be, depending on the person, your opponent, read the room. And I have a whole module about reading the room later, so we’ll talk about that.

2:41 But, it’s important that as you gain a little bit more confidence in being confrontational, that you do it in a way that makes sense, and your comfort level will show across the board. 2:58 Uh, when I go to court, I am very casual and cordial with the office staff. I am the exact same way to the other attorneys. 3:10 I’m the exact same way to the judge. So, we have a good working relationship. They know that if I get excited about something, that it’s important.

3:22 And that is how I want it to be seen. I’m going to be prepared. I’m going to be easygoing and easy to deal with, but I’m going to be hard to beat. 3:32 And that was a mantra from a professor of mine in law school that I take with me every day in everything we do. 3:39 So, we need to know, How to position ourselves. We’re going to talk a lot about your posture, your positioning, and your forward-facing opportunities here. 3:52 But, when you’re looking at the opportunity in front of you, you need to take the best step