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0:00 Once you start looking at the world through the lens that you are, in fact, negotiating most of your day, every day, you start seeing a lot of opportunities, but I’ve got to get in your face a little bit to start and let you know that how you’ve handled your life, the decisions you’ve made, and how you’ve 0:19 negotiated your outcomes up to this point create your current existence. So, if you are thrilled with the way things are going, awesome.

0:30 If you are not, you have to kind of take a step back, look inside, and go, what led me to where I am right now? 0:37 What critical decisions were made? What could have been different? How can I change these things moving forward? This is a tough step. 0:46 And, like I said, these are the kind of things that matter when you’re talking about moving the needle forward, how you’ve got to where you’ve got and where you go from here.

0:56 Because if not, you keep repeating the same mistakes. So maybe you have been afraid of confrontation up to this point and maybe you got run over in a couple of work events or, you know, a series of decisions that were made around the office that have now kept you from getting that promotion. 1:14 Or maybe you feel like you should be further ahead, but you’re not. These are scenarios that you’ve got to look inside Okay, how do I fix this problem? 1:24 What do I do different? How do I jumpstart this right now? And I want you to take a little bit of time in your notes, find a couple of those things.

1:33 Even if you think the world is fantastic right now, you’ve got a couple of those things in your background that you think had this decision been made. 1:41 Had I pushed harder for this, had I stepped up a little bit more, how would things have been different? Or, on the alternative, if I would have handled this differently, how would the outcome have changed? 1:54 I’ll give you a good example. Early in my career, I was in the health and fitness business and my company was expanding into a new technology.
2:02 I fought and fought to be the next great big, you know, manager of this facility, and when we got there, it was a complete nightmare. 2:11 Had I not fought, had I not taken those steps, I would have been well better off. But, in hindsight, that was one of the big negative things.

2:29 So, I want you to take a little bit of time and do what we call 80-20. 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. 2:38 What 20% of things create the rest of the 80% of your life? So, take a little bit of time and think about those big moments in your life that would have been different had you had a different skill set, had you had a different outlook, could you have framed things a little bit better or differently.

2:57 These are needle movers. These are the things we keep referring to as those big moments. Big, huge rocks that roll down the hill fast and change the outcome of everything below it. 3:07 So, another thought exercise, yes, to kind of snuck this in on you, I know, but when you think about your results and what you want to achieve, it’s also very important to really take stock of where you’re at right now, what you like, what you don’t, and what you want to fix.

3:24 Because what you want to fix is going to dictate a lot about where we move forward and what relationships need to be built and how things need to be addressed moving forward. 3:34 So, is this easy? No. Is it going to be quick? No. Do you need to take a little bit of time and really focus on this? 3:41 Absolutely you don’t. So, as we get started on this new module, I want you to take a step and think about this and make some detailed notes so we can refer back to this and look at some progress down the road.